InMAT Meals Makeover

Introducing Our New Lunchtime Caterers - Dolce Schools Catering Ltd!
From Monday 31st October 2022, Dolce Ltd will be the catering provider for InMAT academies. Dolce are a family run schools catering provider with over 20 years’ experience providing healthy, quality meals from raw ingredients, promoting the best customer care. They will provide us with expertise support and advise, putting pupil health and wellbeing at the forefront of all our academies.
Why Dolce?
- Meals are cooked freshly each morning from natural ingredients
- Only British suppliers are used with high standards of animal welfare
- New, seasonal menus each term with special meals for events
- Access to recipes, ingredients, and nutritional breakdowns
- Full allergen and dietary information including carb count for diabetics
- Meals can be ordered the same day up until 9.30am
- Meals cost as little as £2.35 per day (£11.75 per week)
- Order using the simple to use online system - School Grid
School Grid
Dolce uses an online pre-ordering kitchen management system called School Grid. Orders can be placed online from home or on the move via the online app. You can order up to 9.30am on any given day or as far in advance as a whole term. Orders can be placed via pc, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
- Every pupil gets what they have ordered at the hotplate
- Parental involvement in meal choice
- Ingredients listings, allergy advise, recipes and nutritional analysis
- Allows you to enter all allergy and dietary requirements for your child
- Flexibility – you can order that morning or up to a term in advance
Free School Meals
Primary children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will still receive free school meals under the Universal Free School Meal scheme. You may also be entitled to apply for free school meals for your children if you receive one of the following income related benefits:
- Income support
- Income based job seekers allowance
- Income related employment and support allowance
- Child tax credit combined with a both a household income below £16,190 per annum and not in receipt of any working tax credit
- Support under part VI one of the immigration and asylum act 1999
- Guarantee element of state pension credit
- Universal Credit as an annual household earnings of less than £7400
We hope you are as excited as us about our InMAT meals makeover!
Please see attached further information from Dolce providing their contact details and FAQ’s for our families. If you require further information about Free School Meals, please contact the school office staff who will be able to assist you.