Inclusion and Equality of Opportunity
We strive to:
- Promote equality of opportunity so that all pupils can thrive together, understanding that difference is a positive, not a negative and that individual characteristics make people unique.
- Promote an inclusive environment that meets the needs of all pupils, irrespective of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.
- Develop pupils’ understanding of and appreciation of diversity and provide opportunities to celebrate the diverse world we live in.
At Hall Meadow Primary School all staff work towards creating an inclusive school environment which is accessible, safe and collaborative promoting mutual respect through
- A range of teaching approaches and learning activities that are accessible and encourage active participation of all pupils.
- Knowledge of pupils and adaptation of curriculum delivery to individual requirements.
- Auxiliary Aids in place to aid students in their learning such as adaptive chairs for classrooms, adaptive cutlery and lunch and breaks, stages of communication
- Empowerment of pupils to take responsibility for their own learning and that of their peers, acting as partners in their learning experience.
- Opportunities for pupils to relate lesson content to their own experiences, encouraging the sharing of diverse perspectives and interpretations.
- Opportunities for pupils to work interactively in diverse and mixed groups.
- Integration of themes of equality, diversity and inclusivity into learning materials and activities.
Equality, diversity and inclusion are promoted both in and outside of the classroom in all aspects of school life including classroom rules, raising awareness and having discussions as part of resolving conflict, discussions in lunch and breaks, assemblies, cultural events and celebrations, educational visits, musical performances, guest speakers and workshops, books in the libraries and extra-curricular activities.
Themes are also delivered discretely through the PSHE, No Outsiders and RSE curriculum, pupils explore key issues and themes including:
- Exploring identity (gender, sexual orientation, disability, neurodivergence)
- Different types of relationships including same sex relationships
- Bullying and teasing, prejudice, discrimination and being treated fairly.
Our SMSC activities aim to highlight to pupils the diverse world we live in and the different communities we belong too. Such as religious festivals / days, fundraising through comic relief and children in need.
Our Wellbeing Lead is also available for all pupils as well as focusing on targeted children that benefit with additional, targeted support e.g. issues related to their own mental health, worries and/or conflict resolution.
No Outsiders
At our school, we teach promote No Outsiders to support the understanding of Inclusion and Equality. -
See the page on No Outsiders for more information.