
Environmental Education ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) states that the benefits of gardening include:

  • Improves physical and mental wellbeing
  • Builds life skills such as confidence, resilience, teamwork and communication
  • Enriches the entire curriculum from science, maths and geography – to art, design and languages
  • Teaches about the environment and the importance of biodiversity and sustainability

At Hall Meadow, we encourage the children to take responsibility for growing a fruit or vegetable as well as exploring and respecting our environment.  Alongside this, the children are involved with planting for and monitoring wildlife within our grounds.

The children undertake the RSPB annual birdwatch.

Our Reception children enjoy learning in the environment through their participation in 'Welly Wednesdays'. 

Through working with local businesses and counsellors, we have been able to develop garden areas for enjoyment and learning including the ‘forest school’ area, fire pit and nature areas which are used in a range of subjects for investigations and experiences.

Beyond the gardens, children are encouraged to show our school values of respect and responsibility through local litter picks with local organisations.

In 2024, we were proud to be a finalist for the Northamptonshire Education Awards for Environmental and Sustainability Education.