
Charity Partners

Our charity partners are closely linked to our school vision, wellbeing for all and to gain an understanding and appreciation for those less fortunate than ourselves. The main partners are:

Local Charities

Kettering Food Bank

Donations are collated as part of our harvest festival. The Food Bank has been accessed by some of our families and the local community.

Kettering Food Bank. Community Support. – Kettering Foodbank

Kettering Mind 

Being able to support parents and staff is key to the well being of our children. Through partnering with Kettering Mind, we are able to offer workshops for parents and staff along with sharing their services, signposting and have a contact for further bespoke advice. 

Home - Kettering Mind


National Campaigns

Children in Need

Children in Need is a national campaign which can make a difference locally. Through holding a fundraising day, children learn how to help other children through assemblies and activities linked to the annual theme. 

Comic Relief

Comic Relief is a national campaign which can make a difference in other countries. Through holding a fundraising day, children learn about the plight in other countries and how to help others through assemblies and activities linked to the annual theme. 

Down Syndrome Day

Although this is not a fundraising day, we support our families affected by Down Syndrome. The annual odd sock day highlights the additional chromosome people living with DS have but also shows our community that we understand and we stand together.

Odd Socks Day – Anti-bullying

This is an awareness day rather than a fundraising opportunity, but it highlights what bullying is and how it is unacceptable at our school. We use the day to share our STOP message (Several Times on Purpose, Start Telling Other People).

Remembrance Day 11th November

On and in the lead to Remembrance Day (11th November), children learn about the importance of remembering those who fought in World War I and the subsequent wars. School Council sell poppies, children lay a wreath at the Kettering War memorial and a short service of remembrance is held in school. 

Sometimes other charities approach the school to be part of a campaign. These are then discussed and the senior leaders decide whether these should and can be supported. In the past these charities have included:

  • Northamptonshire and Warwickshire Air Ambulance
  • Pancreatic Cancer (staff only fundraised for this charity)
  • Cancer charities through Race for Life